We've given one of our most popular Printy models an all black, more eco-friendly glow up for the new year.

Two of our main goals at Trodat is to 1. Deliver the highest quality products for our customers, and 2. Do it in the most eco-friendly and responsible way possible. This means using efficient, climate-neutral manufacturing and incorporating recycled materials in our products whenever we can.
As part of this ongoing mission, we are updating the Printy 4923 to an all black frame. Not only does this create a sleeker, more premium appearance, it's better for the planet as well, as the updated design enables us to use a higher content of post consumer recycled materials in its construction.
Production of the all black Printy 4923 will begin in November with product arriving in the US late 2023, early 2024. Item numbers will remain the same as the previous black and gray model for ease of ordering, and the all black frame will become available as inventory of the previous units sell out.
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